Industrial Fasteners
Manufacturer & Exporter of Precision Metal Components and Industrial Fasteners
Process of manufacturing finished products at Jiya Brass Industries consists of various phases from selection of raw material till packaging. Each phase of manufacturing process has it's own importance to produce the final product. All the process carried out at JBI are as below.
Raw Material - The process begins with the selection of raw material which will be used to manufacture finished products. Selection of perfect raw material is very important as this will decide the durability and usability of the finished product. Hence, JBI always gives this process the foremost importance and have a complete monitoring over the same. JBI provides finished products in copper alloys, aluminium, bronze, gunmetal, etc.
Casting - After selecting perfect raw material as per the requirement, JBI now move towards casting process. Casting is also as important as selecting the raw material as this will have direct impact over the products to be manufactured. Casting by JBI is carried out in two main manners; First one is casting via Extrusion process & Second is Sand Casting. Both of this methodology have different benifits and outcomes. JBI uses appropriate method as per the product to be manufactured. All the casting process are carried out under tight quality control in terms of raw-material, making perfect alloys of required metals, etc. All this assures outcome of perfect quality casted material which is now ready to move further under forging, machining or turning process as per required.
Forging - When any complex and big size products are to be manufactured, it is better to go with forging method as compared to rod-cut method. Thus whenever required JBI carry out forging process over the hot balls of the required metal. The dye of forging press can be designed and developed as per the product to be manufactured.
Machining & Turning - By now Jiya Brass Industries concentrates over the process of manufacturing the products with accurate dimensions and perfect finishing. All the products are manufactured under manual, semi automatic and fully automatic machines as per the necessecity, which assures perfect quality outcomes. During this process samples are gathered randomly and are tested in context to dimensions, durability, weight and other relative tests. Whenever required all the production outcomes goes under the hands of quality control department. After getting fully satisfied with the outcomes, then they move ahed for further processing.
Washing & Finishing - Under this process first of all, all the production outcomes are washed properly using recommended chemicals and various relative things so that finishes can be applied over them whenever required. Various finishes can be applied over the manufactured products as per the requirement of the customer. During this process also the code of quality is highly maintained. So that the customer gets complete satisfaction in context to their requirements.
Packaging - Now the turn comes is of packaging the finished products as per demanded by the customer. JBI accurately carry out this process as per demanded and directed by the customer.
After all the above process the finished cum packed products are dispatched to the respective customer and that too on time. As a result of this the customer gets fully satisfied and this is how our reputation grows day by day.
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